“Surface dweller of great power, likes of which this planet has not seen….for EONS”
More just trying to get different opinions. We all know Darkblood is talking about either Conquest or Mark.
In the season finale he mentions a surface dweller with such power that it hasn’t been seen for “EONS”. The definition of an Eon is several hundred million years or even BILLIONS of years. I’ve been pondering who or what this other being with conquest level power could’ve been.
So far my own personal theory is that since Darkblood is an actual demon and talking about dark lords and the fact that Kirkman actually admitted he wants to use an used storyline in which Mark fights the devil, that biblical lore must exist in the Invincible universe.
The way that Darkblood pauses for a moment and changes his expression when he says “for Eons….” gave the inclination that something else existed with this power a LONG ASS time ago and is beyond old af. It made me think what the hell could a demon of all things be talking about. Could the being with such great power that was on earth “EONS” ago be Archangels (Michael, Gabriel etc) or could’ve it been the actual Biblical God Himself. Conquest having “God like” power makes me think this isn’t too far of a stretch and I can’t think of any other biblical figure that might’ve had the same strength as God Himself.
This is just a fun personal theory I’ve been dwelling on since this upcoming story line hasn’t been seen by anyone before. I don’t claim to be a religious expert because I’m not one at all so if anyone else has options and insights on this correlation please share :)
More just trying to get different opinions. We all know Darkblood is talking about either Conquest or Mark.
In the season finale he mentions a surface dweller with such power that it hasn’t been seen for “EONS”. The definition of an Eon is several hundred million years or even BILLIONS of years. I’ve been pondering who or what this other being with conquest level power could’ve been.
So far my own personal theory is that since Darkblood is an actual demon and talking about dark lords and the fact that Kirkman actually admitted he wants to use an used storyline in which Mark fights the devil, that biblical lore must exist in the Invincible universe.
The way that Darkblood pauses for a moment and changes his expression when he says “for Eons….” gave the inclination that something else existed with this power a LONG ASS time ago and is beyond old af. It made me think what the hell could a demon of all things be talking about. Could the being with such great power that was on earth “EONS” ago be Archangels (Michael, Gabriel etc) or could’ve it been the actual Biblical God Himself. Conquest having “God like” power makes me think this isn’t too far of a stretch and I can’t think of any other biblical figure that might’ve had the same strength as God Himself.
This is just a fun personal theory I’ve been dwelling on since this upcoming story line hasn’t been seen by anyone before. I don’t claim to be a religious expert because I’m not one at all so if anyone else has options and insights on this correlation please share :)